Dismantling products on the packaging

I have been particularly fond of sweets since I was a child, but I can’t find a reason to like it. On the other hand, walking to the place where sweets are sold will not work. The egg yolks have been out in the last two years. Just started being deceived by his name and did not care. Always feel that the egg pie is salty and has nothing to do with Hou Xiangyang’s hobby. Finally, one day, a friend complained that the egg yolks are not delicious and sweet. I listened to the spirit - it turned out to be sweet! So, I bought a box the same day. A taste, as a friend really said. that's nice! So, the egg yolks became an essential food for my bedside.

When I sat in front of the computer, I took a bag. Helpless to eat today is too bracing to play with fun and feast. My mother often said that my "full stomach, my eyes are still hungry," seemed to be because of this faction. Holding the egg yolk, my attention began to focus on this lovely gadget. I think that if there is no packaging, this small thing from Fujian cannot be shipped to Wenzhou. I know that this sweet and soft guy with great taste is afraid of pressure. A small squeeze or vibration is enough to make it deform or even collapse. I had eaten the kind of flattened squash that was not only unsightly but also very poor in taste.

Smelling the taste of egg yolks, Hou Xiangyang suddenly thought that for the yolk pie manufacturers, their products were actually not the sweet and lovely pies, but the cuboids were painted full of patterns that made the population hydrated. big guy. The product is an organism and the packaging is an integral part of the organism. Moreover, leaving the product, the packaging will no longer exist. Just like when I ran out of egg yolks, throwing in the trash was no longer a package of goods, but rubbish. Because at this time the "package" no longer has any "packaging" value. Packaging and products are inseparable. Of course, as a producer of egg yolks, it is definitely not just such a sweet pastry but a complete product including pastries and packaging. In fact, this is not only the establishment of egg-yolk manufacturers, but also the establishment of any product manufacturer.

So what exactly is packaging? Because the packaging must be integrated with the organic system of the product, leaving this organic system, the packaging will not become packaging. And packaging itself is a system, that is, packaging is a sub-system of the organic system of products. In this way, it is not difficult to understand that the definition of packaging includes two parts: the first is the component of the organic system of packaging, and the second is the process of packaging to form the system. In this way, it can be understood that the foreign definition of packaging is to use the nominal verb “packaging” that represents the action process, rather than merely to represent the pure noun “package” of the object.

Since the package contains two aspects. Then, packaging costs must also include the costs needed to achieve these two aspects. That is, the cost of packaging includes both the cost of the packaging material and the cost of having these packaging materials form the packaging system through the process. Of course, packaging costs also include the costs of management, storage, transportation, labor, etc., to ensure the realization of the two contents. These costs constitute the direct costs of packaging. The direct cost of packaging refers to the cost of packaging in order to form an organic system of products.

Since packaging is part of the organic system of the product, packaging must have an impact on the product. These effects must also be manifested in the form of product costs. For example, due to the large size of the carton design, the transportation, storage, and handling costs of the goods are increased. For example, due to the physical indicators of the carton design, the goods in the transportation process may be damaged, resulting in scrapped expenses; for example, the carton box type The problem of design, resulting in the difficulty of packing operations, resulting in "extra" labor costs. These costs all make up the indirect costs of packaging.

Through the analysis above, we can see that we can analyze the cost of packaging can not be simply analyzed from the cost of packaging materials, but the analysis of packaging costs. The total packaging cost can be divided into three parts: one is the price of the packaging, the second is the cost of the packaging, and the third is the management cost of the packaging. This can be described using the following diagram:

From this figure can be more visually seen, the composition of packaging costs. It can also be found that many costs in the daily production process are due to improper packaging. Due to improper packaging, the cost of packaging operations has increased; due to improper packaging, product losses have occurred; due to improper packaging, the cost of inventory has risen; due to improper packaging, brand losses have been caused.

In order to avoid cost problems caused by improper packaging, we should conduct a comprehensive understanding of packaging from an overall perspective. The development of a product packaging program is also a systematic project. Because product packaging exists throughout the entire distribution chain, including transportation, warehousing, and loading and unloading, changing every part of the packaging will have a multi-faceted impact. For example, if you change wooden packaging into carton packaging, this will reduce the cost of packaging, which is equivalent to reducing the product's circulation costs. The carton is lighter than the wooden case, which reduces the weight of the transport. However, the strength of the carton is not as good as that of the wooden case. The protection of the product during transport is not as good as that of the wooden case. Therefore, other protective measures must be used to reinforce the carton. Considering the packaging problem, we must not consider only one of its circulation links, nor should we consider only one aspect of it. We must consider all packaging elements and consider all packaging elements in a comprehensive way so that we can develop better packaging solutions (CPS).

“Lean Packing Management” is the packaging management theory put forward by Dong Jing Holding Group Jiang Mengyou etc. It is a reference to the “Lean Production” thought of the “Toyota Production System”, that is, using the least resources (manpower, raw materials, equipment) to produce customer needs Products or services provided to customers. From another point of view, it is through management measures to eliminate all kinds of waste. "Lean Packaging Management" is a theoretical and operational practice system that comprehensively studies the management activities of the whole packaging life cycle (or the entire packaging chain) based on the basic idea of ​​"lean management". The core is to minimize the waste of the entire packaging chain through management tools. "Lean Packing Management" regards packaging as a capability element for packaging user companies. The supply chain (information supply chain management platform) in the "Lean Packaging Management" system is to provide suitable and appropriate packaging materials for packaging users in a timely and appropriate manner. When a customer needs packaging, he or she will provide it; how much the customer needs, how much it will provide; and every investment in the customer's packaging is purposeful and valuable, which avoids waste and improves efficiency.

Author: Hou as Yang longitude Holdings

Reprinted from China Management Communication Network