The best time to travel in different parts of China during travel time

In general, there is a relatively stable year-to-year change in the climate of a region. For example, the climate in Hainan Island has no summers, Kunming has four seasons in spring, Xi'an has four distinct seasons, and Harbin has a long winter and short summer. People often divide the climate into different climate types according to the changes in the climate during the year. There are four heat bands spanning the eastern part of China and there are significant differences in the south. In the evaluation of tourism climate comfort in eastern cities, we also draw on this classification method. According to the year-to-year changes in climate comfort of cities, cluster analysis methods are used to classify the urban tourism climate comfort into three types and name the type in the most comfortable season, as follows:

(1) Summer-adapted climate refers to the type of climate that is cool and comfortable in summer and uncomfortable in winter. They are mainly distributed in the high latitudes of northern China, ie, the provinces and cities north of 40.6° north latitude, including Harbin, Changchun, Yanbian, Shenyang, Chengde, and Dalian. The five cities are cold in winter, with low comprehensive climate comfort and comfortable summer climate. It is cool and suitable for tourism activities. It is the best place to avoid summer heat. It is the best time for tourism from May to September every year. The comfort period is usually 6 months, and the uncomfortable period is longer.

(2) The spring and autumn comfortable type refers to the climate that is suitable in spring and autumn, cold in winter and hot in summer. It is mainly distributed in a wide range of northern latitudes from 24.5 to 39.8°, including 14 cities such as Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, Jinan, Qingdao, Lianyungang, Nanjing, Suzhou, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Wenzhou, Fuzhou and Xiamen. These cities are colder in winter and summer. It is hotter, less comfortable in climate and less suitable for tourism; it is comfortable in spring and autumn, and it lasts longer and is suitable for tourism activities. The comfort period is mostly in April-June and September-October, and the uncomfortable period is mostly in January-February and December. The comfort period is generally 5-6 months, and the discomfort period is relatively short, especially from Nanjing to Xiamen cities. There are no comfort periods throughout the year.

(3) Winter-adapted climate refers to the comfortable winter climate and the hot summer climate. It is mainly distributed in the south subtropical and tropical regions of China, ie between 18.1 and 23.4 degrees north latitude, including Shantou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Zhanjiang, Haikou and Sanya. These seven cities have warm winter weather and high comfort. A good place for winter tourism; summer climate is hot, low comfort and less suitable for tourism. The comfort period is mostly in January-April and November-December, and the uncomfortable period is mostly in June-September. In addition to Zhuhai, Haikou, and Sanya, all other cities are comfortable. The comfort period is generally 6 months and the maximum period is up to 8 months. Sanya has no winter in normal summer, and has a hot climate in the summer of six months. The comfort period is even shorter for 4 months.

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