Children often exercise barefoot and exercise


Relieve the static electricity with bare feet

According to the theory of bio-holography, the sole of the foot is a reflection zone of many internal organs, which is called the "second heart" of human beings. When walking barefoot, the ground and objects stimulate the soles of the feet similarly to massage and massage. It can enhance the sensitivity of nerve endings, and quickly transmit signals to the internal organs and cerebral cortex to regulate the autonomic nervous system and endocrine system.

The Oregon Institute of Research has done an interesting study of walking barefoot. The researchers were covered with pebbles on a special mat, and 100 volunteers walked on the mat for one hour a day and three times a week. After 16 weeks of testing, the experts found that almost half of the volunteers had a significant improvement in balance, and the blood pressure of these people also dropped significantly. It is inferred that barefoot exercise plays a very good role in disease prevention.

Another major effect of walking barefoot is to release too much static electricity from the human body. Our ancestors walked barefoot almost every day and came into contact with the land. Later, people put on their shoes and were isolated from the earth, so that the static electricity accumulated in the human body could not be released, which destroyed the balance of human body energy.

In addition, the feet are often exposed to fresh air and sunlight, which is also conducive to the secretion and evaporation of foot sweat, improve peripheral blood circulation, improve resistance and cold tolerance, and prevent cold or diarrhea.

Running barefoot to ease impact

Researchers at institutions such as Harvard University in the United States surveyed the grounds of the feet of long-term runners in the United States and Kenya. It turns out that most of those who wear shoes for a long time use the heel to land first, while those who often run barefoot first use the forefoot to land.

The study found that in the case of the heel first landing, even wearing a cushioned running shoe, the impact of the foot can reach three times the weight of the body. However, in the case where the forefoot touches the ground first, the impact force will drop to only 60% of the body weight due to the effective cushioning of the tendons and joints through the ankles. Because the long-term effects of this impact can lead to fatigue fractures or plantar fasciitis, the researchers believe that the way the forefoot touches the ground is healthier.

For barefoot people, they know how to touch the ground while running, and they can more sensitively correct their muscle movement patterns to suit the various situations that occur during exercise. Barefoot movement frees people's toes, allowing them to stretch more flexibly and hold the ground more tightly, improving the stability of the entire leg from the ankle to the buttocks during exercise.

In recent years, there have been some organizations running barefoot in Europe and America. They claim that this new type of exercise benefits them. If you want to try it, you need an adaptation process. You can start from jogging once a week.

Child barefoot enhances physical fitness

Children like to run around with bare feet, but parents are afraid of being unsafe or cold and sick, always trying to block. In fact, children's barefoot play is not only out of curiosity , but also an exercise. In Japan, "barefoot" has become a formal course. For example, the kindergarten affiliated to Aichi University opened the concrete floor of the hospital and replaced it with sand to allow children to play barefoot on the sand. After a period of barefoot training, more than 80% of children have significantly improved physical fitness, increased appetite, and faster height and weight gain.

Let the child walk barefoot often, so that the tender sole is directly rubbed by the soil, which not only enhances the strength of the plantar muscles and ligaments, but also improves the flexibility of the ankle joint and helps prevent flat feet. The massage of the acupoints on the soles of the feet during bare feet can also regulate the functions and functions of organs including the brain, promote blood circulation and metabolism, thereby accelerating brain development and enhancing the child's thinking sensitivity and memory.

Practical tips:

Stepping on the stone method to choose the park, the playground, the surrounding area of ​​the house and other places where the pebbles are laid. The bare feet are stepping on the uneven pebbles and rhythmically stepping on the rocks. The stone is stepped one or two times a day for 15 to 20 minutes each time.

Foot health massage

Feet - Stimulate the soles of the feet with hands or blunt objects for 30 seconds each time.

Heel - Rub the floor with your heels for 30 seconds each time.

Instep - finger looped on the instep for 3 minutes.

Toe - The finger pushes the gap between the toes. Grab the towel with your toes and grab the left and right toes for 3 minutes.  


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