Future Commodity Packaging Design (I)

What is the future of product packaging design? Philosophers said: "The starting point of the future is in the past." Indeed, the future of commodity packaging design is influenced by history, but the history of commodity packaging design is not the same as its future, because society is in the process of development and transformation, the development of science, and changes in people’s cultural ideas and economics. Affects product packaging design. For China's product packaging design itself, the future is a very prominent and important feature.

1 Future Commodity Packaging Design and Social Development

In the rapid development of science and technology, the rapid development of information technology and the abundance of materials, the traditional and regional features of the past are disappearing and diluting, and the natural ecological environment is being further damaged. Even the personality and differences of people are gradually losing. As a result, society has become more chaotic and confusing. Therefore, people have to begin to reflect on the relationship between people and people, people and society, people and nature, people and commodities. People start to look for a new way out, a kind of balance between society and nature, a path of return of human nature, people The values ​​of the people are also changing. Human civilization began to develop from material to non-material civilizations. Since the society in the future will have such changes, the values ​​of people in the society in the future will also change, and the packaging design of goods corresponding to it will surely change dramatically.

China's commodity packaging design in the 21st century has not been able to stay in the general research “relationship between things and people”. Although “human design” is still one of the fundamental goals of packaging design efforts, the future of commodity packaging design should be more tangible. Change from design to intangible design, or from design of material to non-material design, from product design to service design, from physical product packaging design to virtual product packaging design, paying more attention to invisible Things, attention to the rediscovery of relationships, the recall of methods and the repercussions of the heart, and the design methods are increasingly integrated.

2 The main development direction of China's future commodity packaging design

2.1 Green Design (Eco Design)

Green Concept Application and Design In the 1960s, American design theoretician Victor Barak emphasized in his book Design for the Real World that design should seriously consider limited earth resources and protect the environment. The problem.

Green design not only pays attention to people's value, but also pays attention to the value of nature. It focuses on the ecological balance between man and nature, or the harmonious development of man and nature, thus embodying the return of social responsibility. With the progress of science, green packaging may have more connotations. In general, green packaging should have at least the following conditions: it should not have a negative impact on human health and animal and plant safety; under the conditions of having a packaging function, the materials should be the least used and the packaging waste should be minimal; packaging can be recycled or packaged The material can be recycled; no recycling or recycling of packaging materials should meet the following requirements: When the packaging waste is incinerated, it can generate new energy or produce no poisonous gas and it will cause 2 times of pollution; the packaging material can be self-degraded after use, and it can be decomposed after being buried. Disappear on your own. In contrast, the original aesthetic principles were temporarily suspended. Since the ecological circle is a cycle circle, consideration of ecology is an overall consideration of natural things. This ecological phenomenon also naturally affects the design of green packaging so that it is not limited to local parts in the process of design. Designers changed the traditional design of excessively pursuing external packaging, so that the packaging design of goods really entered a healthy innovation path. Green packaging is "from the perspective of environmental protection, product packaging design." In China's future commodity packaging design, green design should be the basis of design.

2. 2 High-tech design

It is expected that the high-tech design of commodity packaging design in the information age will be embodied in computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacturing, intelligent machine method (advanced artificial intelligence), information design, virtual design, robot design, high-tech materials, and advanced production technology. Integrated design, non-printing, binding, packaging technology and other aspects.

Computer-aided design is still the main design method in future designs. With the development of computers, the development of various drawing software has greatly improved the efficiency of product packaging design and production. Designers draw various designs of renderings on computers, and use computer plates directly for printing. Virtual reality is used for simulation demonstration of products, which integrates design, engineering analysis and manufacturing. This method is also applicable to future designs and will develop to a greater degree.

With the popularity of the Internet, there will be many virtual products in China in the future, which will result in virtual goods packaging design. These products are people's hopes and ideals. They may be things that cannot be satisfied in the real world. Through the virtual world, psychological satisfaction can be achieved. The design of virtual goods packaging will make people better satisfy this kind of psychology.

In the 21st century, the information industry will change the pattern of the entire industry as an important industry. In a fundamental sense, information design represents, conveys, collects, processes, and disseminates information in the manner and form of art design. It is one of the important contents of future product packaging design. The future of commodity packaging design does not meet the traditional container design, packaging structure design, packaging and decoration design, it also has a media role in the dissemination of information.

In the future, new materials in the information age will emerge in an endless stream and more environmentally friendly high-tech materials will emerge. First of all, these materials must be in line with the green design premise, and these materials can also be felt physically and psychologically. The nanomaterials now appearing, the “drug-absorbable” ink plastics in Germany, and the new sterile papers developed by Lilac have the characteristics of high-tech materials. I believe that in the future, there will be more new materials that are environmentally friendly, beautiful, and economical.

High-tech design should also include new technology production processes and printing. The production process and printing and packaging design are closely related. The progress of science and technology will make the manufacturing process and printing of packaging also innovate. In the near future, people will see a truly integrated printing and packaging machine, and will see the various shapes and materials of various materials that cannot be manufactured by the previous process. box.

(to be continued)