Massage steamed OR hot compress to see lavender essential oil to acne marks

Massage steamed OR hot compress to see lavender essential oil to acne marks
Massage steamed OR hot compress to see lavender essential oil to acne marks

Almost every girl will suffer from acne, but compared with acne, acne marks are really terrible. It is more difficult to eliminate acne marks than to eliminate acne. Every girl wants to know how to get acne marks, so here is a small coup to share seven lavender essential oils to acne marks. Lavender essential oil has a strong bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, can clean the pores of the dirt, thereby improving acne, but also has a strong repair function, can dilute acne marks, acne pits, making the skin smooth and fair.

Massage method

Take 5 drops of lavender essential oil and 10cc base oil, dilute and mix together, apply to the acne marks, massage with the correct massage for 15 minutes, can promote cell regeneration, regenerate damaged tissue, and dilute acne marks.

2. Smear method

Mix 5 drops of lavender essential oil with 10 ml of base oil. After cleansing, apply with a cotton swab and apply it to the acne print. It is suitable for any skin type. It can also be applied to the entire face to regulate the oil secretion of the skin.

3. Steaming method

Prepare an aromatherapy stove, add a proper amount of water to the water container, and then add 5 to 6 drops of lavender essential oil, then heat the aromatherapy furnace, and let the heat release the essential oil in the water to help create a different atmosphere. It can accelerate the activity of body fluids, thus improving the internal environment and further regulating the whole body. Rapidly change the local tissue cells, the living environment of the cells, and accelerate their metabolism.

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