Smart Card and Fingerprint Identification Technology

In some data-sensitive areas such as finance, military, social insurance, law enforcement, and other departments, simple password passwords can no longer meet people's security needs. Many imposters use misappropriated information to conduct various forms of deception to the society. The economic development has brought great harm, so more and more biometrics technologies are gradually being adopted. At present, the internationally popular biometric technology mainly refers to the technology of automatic proofreading of a person’s identity through measurable physical or behavioral features, including fingerprints, irises, pupils, palm lines, facial features, and dynamic information such as signatures. , keyboard strokes, etc. Among them, fingerprint recognition is considered to be the most promising because of its ease of collection.

The general biometric authentication process usually includes the following steps: 1) Acquisition: After the biometric data is collected, it is digitized and entered into the database; 2) The template is generated: Generate the template from the above unique data; 3) Compare : Comparing with the new sample; 4) Result: The result of the comparison finally shows whether the sample matches the template, and thus determines whether the sample provider is really what he claims to be.
The difference between smart card applications is that it uses its own characteristics, such as its ability to store and calculate, to store human biometric features in the card, and then to achieve offline authentication through card-to-card comparison, thereby achieving improved efficiency. , to save the cost of online online inquiries and one card for multiple purposes. We take fingerprinting technology as an example to see how it implements internal authentication within a smart card - that is, the template information stored in the card never leaves the authentication of the card and has stronger security. First of all, the live acquisition of the fingerprint template needs to be performed at the designated location through the fingerprint image acquisition device. Most systems usually only need to acquire three to six parts of the fingerprint image of the fingerprint. Afterwards, these unique information will be converted into software. A set of features that are digitally formatted and extracted are stored as templates in the card (this set of numbers can no longer be used to re-fingerprint). During the comparison, the newly acquired fingerprint information is scanned and sent to the card. The internal state of the card is changed accordingly. The special algorithm in the card starts the on-card comparison of the two sets of data, and finally the preset percentage according to the device. The device will give a yes or no conclusion. This verification process usually takes 1-5 seconds.

The security and convenience of fingerprint identification has led to an increasing number of countries that are now ready to use it, such as Belgium, Italy, the Australian Department of Defense, the United States Department of Defense, the Netherlands Court, etc. There are other countries that are considering the use of other biometric technologies. With the introduction of the BioAPI application programming interface (BioAPI) standard and the decline in the price of biometric devices, there are the use of fingerprint scanners in keyboards and laptops and the development and horror of future windows operating systems with biometric recognition capabilities. Incidents and other factors, Gartner predicts that smart cards with biometric technology will grow from 2.6 million in 2002 to more than 22 million in 2004, and will account for 5%-10% of the smart card market share Among them, fingerprint technology may occupy 50% of the market. These cards will be applied first to those areas related to identity cards, such as national ID cards, social insurance cards, driver's licenses, and travel documents, followed by cyber security. By then, people who have this technical service will be the first to enjoy faster, more personalized service.