Never ignore ink cleaner

The main body of the world printing industry is offset printing. Offset ink is transferred to the substrate through ink rollers and blankets. The ink rollers and blankets are durable goods. To ensure their normal operation, regular cleaning and maintenance are very important. This includes 3 types Cleaning: routine cleaning after the end of printing every day; color-changing cleaning before ink color replacement; regular and thorough maintenance cleaning. In this way, ink cleaning is a very important job for printing companies. In addition, ink cleaning agents are printing consumables with a large amount of consumption. According to management, printing companies should pay great attention to the purchase and selection of ink cleaning agents, but the current situation Yes, a large number of printing companies use gasoline or kerosene partially or completely as ink cleaning agents. A survey showed that even in Beijing, where the printing industry is relatively developed, almost no printing company completely abolished the use of gasoline and kerosene to clean printing presses.

In fact, printing companies are well aware of the possible adverse effects of the use of gasoline and kerosene. However, due to the wide range of sources of gasoline and kerosene, fast drying, and relatively low prices, printing companies cannot refuse. These advantages are very prominent compared to the ink cleaning agents available on the market: ink cleaning agents have specific conditions for specific printing machines, blankets, rubber rollers, etc .; the price of special ink cleaning agents is relatively high; the supply is also There is no guarantee to wait in full time.

Let gasoline and kerosene go to class

The use of gasoline, kerosene to clean the ink has the following disadvantages.

(1) The effect is not good

Although the routine cleaning of rubber rollers and blankets using gasoline and kerosene is very convenient and satisfactory, gasoline and kerosene are powerless to water-soluble components such as paper wool, paper powder, and gum arabic attached to the rubber roller. The accumulation of various impurities on the surface of the rubber roller will close the original capillary holes on the surface of the rubber roller to form a smooth crystalline layer, which will change the size of the rubber roller, seriously affect the printing pressure, and reduce the ink transfer performance of the ink roller. , Resulting in printing failures such as "ink bars" and "flat screen hair" during printing. At the same time, the large amount of aromatic compounds contained in gasoline and kerosene will also swell the rubber, affecting printing pressure and printing quality.

(2) Security risks

Gasoline and kerosene are extremely flammable liquids. The flash point (ie, the temperature at which steam explodes when exposed to an open flame) is only 20 degrees. If the ventilation facilities in the printing plant are not good, dangerous situations such as fire accidents can easily occur. As it turns out, many printing companies exploded when workers used gasoline to clean the printing press.

(3) Unfavorable environmental protection

Gasoline and kerosene contain a large amount of VOC, which causes serious pollution to the environment, does not meet environmental safety standards, and is also harmful to the health of employees. At the same time, most printing companies will directly discharge the cleaned gasoline and kerosene into the sewer, and it is needless to say that they pollute the soil and water quality. At the same time, the temperature of gasoline and kerosene floating on the water is relatively high outdoors During the season, there is also the danger of explosion.

(4) Facing elimination

In order to better promote the development of the printing industry, various countries around the world have started to formulate various regulations and standards on ink cleaning agents (car wash water) since 1995, which mainly include: ink cleaning agents with a flash point below 21 ℃ cannot be used For the cleaning of printing rollers and blankets (such as gasoline); do not supply and use solvents containing halogenated alkane terpenes (turpentine), n-hexane, imines, or acid amines; the content of aromatic compounds in the solvent should be less than 0.1%; the content of toluene and xylene in the solvent should be less than 10%.

At the same time, many printing machine manufacturers, especially high-end printing equipment manufacturers, will strictly test and stipulate the chemical supplies used in their printing equipment. For example, Heidelberg Company has passed rigorous testing and stipulated that there are three kinds of car wash water that can be used on Heidelberg presses: 60, Superdot and Varn.

In order to undertake international business, some printing companies must pass the ISO9001 quality management system certification and ISO14001 environmental management system certification in accordance with the requirements, and naturally prohibit the use of gasoline and kerosene as ink cleaning agents. If in the past printing companies used gasoline and kerosene to make general choices to increase profits, then in today's increasingly fierce competition in the printing industry, only gasoline and kerosene are used to clean inks, considering the current cost of materials. Practice, because it has clearly affected the social and overall economic benefits of the printing industry.

With the large-scale import of high-end printing equipment and the increased awareness of safety and environmental protection of printing company operators, environmentally friendly ink cleaning agents (car wash water) will become the mainstream cleaning solvent for rubber rollers in the future.

Know the ink cleaner

In fact, the final purpose of various ink cleaning agents currently on the market is to wash away impurities such as ink. During the printing process, many impurities generated by ink, water and substrates can be roughly divided into two categories: one is the solvent Type, that is soluble in organic solvents, such as ink oil, resin, colloidal oil, wax, binder, and acidic and alkaline substances in ink and auxiliary components; the other is water-soluble type, that is soluble in water Or have affinity for water, such as gum arabic, casein, paper wool, paper powder, fillers and other inorganic compound impurities and hydrophilic pigments.

In this way, in order to achieve the cleaning purpose, the cleaning principle is roughly the same, and the following components are also roughly included in the composition.

(1) Hydrocarbon

When the content of the cleaning agent is more than 50%, hydrocarbons are divided into aliphatic hydrocarbons and aromatic hydrocarbons according to different molecular structures, and both have a good dissolving effect on the ink. Among them, aliphatic hydrocarbon molecules contain a chain structure of carbon molecules, which cannot be dissolved in water, and are not harmful to the human body, rubber rollers, and the environment; while aromatic hydrocarbon molecules contain a cyclic chain structure of carbon molecules. The human nervous system has adverse effects, and long-term use may cause cancerous lesions, swell the rubber polymer, and have a certain effect on the rubber roller. Therefore, the relevant quality standards of international ink cleaning agents stipulate that their content should be less than 0.1%.

(2) Emulsifier

It can promote the mixing of oil and water and produce emulsification. Generally, the flash point cleaners contain emulsifiers, which will not cause residual chemicals on the rubber roller and blanket.

(3) Anti-corrosion agent

Since the cleaning agent needs water for cleaning, the anti-corrosion agent has the effect of preventing moisture corrosion.

The ink cleaning agents in the current market are mainly divided into two parts according to the source: one is imported, and its products basically meet the relevant international quality standards, but the price is expensive; the second is domestic, its products are moderate in price, but the quality is uneven, and some products have flash points If it is too low, it is easy to cause fire. Some products have too high content of aromatic compounds and poor environmental protection.

According to the type of technology, ink cleaning agents can also be divided into two types: one is a pure solvent type, which needs to be mixed with clean water, but its ratio has an optimal value, and only when this ratio is reached can the best be achieved. Cleaning effect. In actual production, machine operators often cannot control the ratio of solvent to water very well, which not only causes a lot of waste, prolongs the cleaning time, but also affects the cleaning effect; the other is that the solvent has been used before production It is mixed with water at the best ratio, and the emulsion ink cleaning agent made of emulsifier is added. Its droplet size is extremely small, which is easier to penetrate the ink layer on the surface of the rubber roller. The cleaning effect is excellent, and the amount is only equivalent to gasoline. 1/4 to 1/5. This type of car wash water is the future development direction of car wash aquatic products.

Generally speaking, the high-quality ink cleaning agent we refer to is an emulsion ink cleaning agent composed of two organic solvents with different flash points, a rubber antioxidant and a surfactant that can form a stable water-in-oil emulsion. Through the action of emulsifier, the solvent is emulsified into W / O emulsion system with water, which can directly replace gasoline for ink cleaning.

The emulsion-type car wash water is not flammable and has good storage safety, but the transportation volume is large, which increases the use cost. The cleaning performance of emulsion car wash water is related to the composition of the formula, especially the choice of solvent and active agent has a greater relationship. At the same time, since the emulsion-type car wash water is a thermodynamically unstable system with poor stability, it is easier to delaminate. Once delaminated, it is difficult to deink, which affects the use, so its storage period is not too long. At present, some manufacturers have launched new ink cleaning agents, such as microemulsion car wash water, without configuration, and the thermodynamic system is stable, making up for the shortcomings of traditional ink cleaning agents.

But in general, compared with gasoline and kerosene, ink cleaning agent has the advantages of high efficiency, energy saving, environmental protection and safety, and has the role of solvent and water. It can not only remove ink, but also remove some water-soluble water such as paper wool. The amount of dirt is relatively small compared to gasoline (cleaning the same ink roller, the amount of ink cleaning agent used is only less than 50% of gasoline), the ink cleaning agent volatilizes slowly, can fully exert its effect, and can greatly save the amount, but compared to gasoline Generally speaking, the drying speed is relatively slow.

Not just use

When we advocate the use of ink cleaners, on the one hand, because ink cleaners can save the overall cost of printing companies; on the other hand, we hope that as a socially responsible enterprise, we must bear the responsibility for the environment and human health according to our actual situation. Take up their own social responsibilities. Therefore, even if gasoline and kerosene are abandoned and the ink cleaning agent is replaced, it does not mean that everything is available, and the ink cleaning agent is not perfect, although the ink cleaning agent has its own impact on the human body and the surrounding environment relative to steam and kerosene To be small, but it does not mean that there is no pollution; at the same time, like gasoline and kerosene, the ink and other substances dissolved in the ink cleaning agent cause harm to the human body and the surrounding environment can not be ignored.

Therefore, when we choose ink cleaners that meet the international or national environmental standards, we must also ensure that the cleaned ink cleaners are handled well. It is not that the cleaned blankets, ink rollers or machines contain inks and other toxic substances. The substance's ink cleaner is poured directly into the sewer and other places.

In this regard, the foreign ink cleaning agent recycling method is worthy of reference. The principle is to recycle the used car wash water, separate the toxic substances such as ink in the car wash water in a solid form, and process it separately, and then continue to generate usable car wash water The theoretical recovery rate is above 95%, and the actual recovery rate is above 85%), so as to achieve unlimited repeated use. This not only avoids the pollution of car wash water to the environment, but also saves more than 85% of car wash water, which also means saving more than 85% of related production costs. At present, many foreign printing companies have used related treatment equipment to recycle the used car wash water, and the economic benefits are very significant.

Whether starting from the cost of the enterprise or from the perspective of social responsibility, don't neglect your ink cleaning agent.

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