Research on Form Configuration of Book Design (I)

[Abstract] Book design is an all-round integrated construction system, which involves the selection and performance of processes, materials, printing, binding, and so on. Modern book design has entered the multi-dimensional and multi-directional era of dissemination and diffusion. Combining with today's digital technology, it has the original concept of “book morphology”. It focuses on the multi-structural theory of coexistence of form, divine, and intentional, emphasizing the form of mass. Reading process, and participate in the multi-directional intervention of form, color, taste, and sound, and fully expand the space of the book form design, forming a new context of book design and multiple transmission structure.

Keywords: book design; shape, deity, intention; morphological structure; living body; context

In today's increasingly digital era, book design has penetrated into every aspect of people's lives and has become one of the most important indicators of the level of modern technology, culture and art. With the development of modern science and technology, the artistic expression means of book binding design has become more and more diversified and fashionable, and its popular cyclical changes have become increasingly frequent. Avant-garde and personalized visual design art and computer production have become mainstream. Facing the modern electronic technology how to position the traditional media elements, the book binding design with independent personality also faces unprecedented challenges. With the increasingly diverse and complex information dissemination methods, the development of the information industry has also led to great changes in the design, such as the widespread use of fax machines, the globalization of television technology and new global television channels, and e-mails for computer network systems. The popularization of long-distance telephones and the widespread use of mobile phones, etc. These technologies have turned away from a remote place into close proximity. Therefore, people’s access to knowledge and information is not solely dependent on traditional publications, and electronic publications are also required. It will be the direction of future book development. It is not limited to visual effects. It is a new form of design and multiple elements that integrate visual, audio, and speaking functions into one.

In order to meet the needs of contemporary people for information dissemination, concept change is the precursor to the reform of book form design. Inheriting and developing the design of book binding for nearly two hundred years, we must tap its unique aesthetic functions, find out the aesthetic differences and individualized features of book design and other types of information communication art, and fully display its own unique charm in form. Meet the needs of modern people's aesthetic and cultural development, provide a broader platform for ideological communication and cultural exchange for human society, and further create a circulation industry for the global reading space. At the same time, it also guides and forms a new visual art and The category of visual culture. Today's designers must create a certain kind of visual communication medium through the combination of graphics, color, and text design elements to understand, learn and develop traditional culture in all directions, and pay attention to the inheritance of traditional ethnic art languages. Under the trend of internationalist design, master the aesthetic trend of modern excellence and the experimental exploration of modern art. From an abstract perspective, the beauty of form and structure is explored, so that book design maintains innovative features. It also includes the further excavation of the texture of the craftsmanship, printing, binding, paper materials, etc., which makes books The framing design will include a wider range of content and forms to break through the narrow concept of traditional surface decoration, so that the inside and outside of the book will fully intervene at the heart of the book. The concept of “buffing” will be included in the “design”. , "book design" replaced the traditional "book binding" [2].

1 Book design is an all-round construction system

Book design is the main cultural carrier for the accumulation, dissemination, and continuation of human wisdom. It is also an overall visual communication activity. It is the life of the writer, editors, designers, printers, paper suppliers, and bookstore sales personnel to inject emotions. A systematic project. It involves the selection of processes, materials, printing, binding, etc. It is a full-scale integrated construction. Therefore, the design contains the sum of the materials and processes necessary for the book. Book design is to visualize the inexpressible things in the book, express it with the image language that can only be illustrated by the graphic, complement the ideological content of the book, and stimulate people's imagination with the ideological content of the books. space. Book design is a special art. It is an art form created on the premise of the content of the book, which constitutes a high-grade character of bookishness and culture. In the form of books, the most effective is the abstract form of pure visual language symbols. According to the planar structure handled by the principles of abstract forms, it conveys an aesthetic feeling that is either dynamic, or calm, or rigid, or beautiful. The pure visual language more and more conveys the invisible emotion and the spirit, expresses the designer's emotion and imagination with the creativity, grasps, and reflects the special way of the book content. Book design not only gives people the appearance of perception, but also needs to further perceive artistic intuition to express some kind of subconscious spiritual feelings, to show the special form and beauty of the psychological connotation brought about by certain reading methods, or to use different papers. The metaphorical touch and specific visual sensation formed by the quality of the book play a role in revealing some of the non-verbal connotations in the book. The unique design ideas can inspire readers to further understand the content of books and readers to generate induction and resonance, and bring people into a richer psychological dimension space.

A book design is not only paper and ink, it is a value, a belief system, which not only carries the information transmission function, but also loads the aesthetic interest. People use books and appreciate them for a long time and stability. Books placed on the bookshelf will be treasured, and they will not be thrown out of the window even if they do not read people for years. Its value is mainly embodied in the spiritual aspects of imparting knowledge, education, education, aesthetics, etc. It is an ideal book that not only conveys information to readers, but also provides space for long-term taste and imagination. Book design is also a special kind of commodity packaging design, which not only enhances the added value of “goods” but also delights the readers. It also makes boring reading a rhythmic enjoyment, a visual food, and an extension of taste.[1] . Design aesthetics of home books, through design concepts, paper materials, printing processes and other design languages, reconstruct the hexahedron that stores information, and inject the expressive force from the local to the whole, from the extension to the connotation, and make the books invisible. Estimated artistic charm.

The use of modern new printing techniques to construct new forms of book design has led to subtle changes in the "lead word culture" as a means of transmitting knowledge information. For the era of omnipotent printing process computers, in addition to language and text continue to maintain its own role, visual, audio, tactile, and olfactory media have come one after another. Today's knowledge and information transmission is breaking through The "individual culture" situation, the information environment is changing, and thus affected by video and other means of transmission. An ideal book should attract readers with its large amount of information, strong interest, readers' acceptance, and freshness. No matter what type of subject matter is read, readers can get beyond the knowledge capacity of the book and read it. From body sensation to sensation to association, the point, line, face, and body in the book constitute a intellectual network of intelligence that not only gives the reader a process of accepting and acquiring knowledge, but also consolidates his own wisdom and expands his imagination.

(to be continued)