Steel electric kettle descaling small door stainless steel electric kettle new products

Stainless steel electric kettle is a good tool for our daily water burning. It has a lot of points, but its shortcomings are also there. One of them is also there is scale, then how do we remove scale? Then follow the small The footsteps of the series together to understand the stainless steel electric kettle descaling tips and stainless steel electric kettle new products.

Stainless steel electric kettle descaling tips

生活日用家电 钢电水壶除垢小窍门 不锈钢电水壶新品

One vinegar descaling

Stainless steel electric kettle often has scale after burning. The main component of scale is carbonate such as calcium carbonate. However, there is acetic acid in our vinegar. As long as the vinegar is poured into the scale, the acetic acid inside the vinegar and the carbonic acid in the scale. Calcium and carbonate react chemically. This produces minerals and carbon dioxide gas that are soluble in water. However, white vinegar is generally used, and the effect of white vinegar is much better than that of vinegar.

Two electric kettles boiled hawthorn descaling

In the newly bought electric kettle, put the hawthorn above the half of the kettle, fill it with water, cook the hawthorn and then boil the water, so that it will not accumulate scale. However, it should be noted that after the kettle is boiled, the inner wall cannot be scrubbed, otherwise the scale removal effect will be lost. The old kettle filled with scale, after boiling twice in the above method, not only the original scale will gradually fall off, but also can prevent the accumulation of scale.

生活日用家电 钢电水壶除垢小窍门 不锈钢电水壶新品

Three baking soda to remove scale

The stainless steel electric kettle heating plates commonly used in our homes are often made of aluminum. When the electric kettle is boiled, it is easy to form scale. We can use the baking soda method, it is to put 1 tsp baking soda, boil for a few minutes, the scale is removed. Or you can also pour about 500 grams of baking soda with a concentration of 1%. Gently shake it and the scale can be removed.

Four boiled eggs in addition to scale

After the stainless steel electric kettle is generally used for a long time, the scale inside is very hard and difficult to remove, so that we can use the method of boiling eggs to remove scale. The method of boiling eggs to remove scale is to crush the two egg shells slightly, put them into a bottle, add half a pot of water, stir with a blender or spoon, then boil, leave for half an hour, then pour out the eggshell. It can be washed twice with water.

生活日用家电 钢电水壶除垢小窍门 不锈钢电水壶新品

Stainless steel electric kettle new product recommendation

KAMJOVE/金灶T-190 Bullet Kettle Stainless Steel Electric Teapot 99 Yuan

生活日用家电 钢电水壶除垢小窍门 不锈钢电水壶新品

SKG1112 electric hot water bottle upgrade models household electric kettle 304 stainless steel kettle boiling water bottle 4 section insulation 299 yuan

生活日用家电 钢电水壶除垢小窍门 不锈钢电水壶新品

Supor/Supor SWF15P1S-150 electric kettle stainless steel electric kettle automatic kettle 1.5L 99 yuan

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