Nationalization of packaging design

The combination of tradition and modernity combined with nationality and internationality is one of the important characteristics of excellent packaging design. Examples from the international and domestic excellent packaging design also confirm this point. In the modern packaging design, we must not only pay attention to national culture, but also take into account the characteristics of the times and the national culture sold to the region in order to design an excellent packaging.

Packaging design is a very characteristic form of expression in modern social culture. It is not only a part of traditional culture but also a material carrier of culture. Tradition refers to the thoughts, culture, morality, style, art, system, and behaviors that have been passed down from history, and ethnic culture is an important part of traditional culture. The more local it is, the more ethnic it is, the easier it is to attract people. “Only the nation is the world,” and these ideas have gradually become the consensus of the era of global economic integration. Foreigners come to China and want to see something with Chinese characteristics: go to Beijing to see the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, go to Xi'an to see the ancient city walls, the Terra Cotta Warriors, and visit Suzhou gardens in Suzhou. The Chinese are also the same when they go to foreign countries: To go to Japan to see Mount Fuji, to go to Egypt to see the pyramids, to go to France to see the Eiffel Tower. Nationality and local characteristics are hot spots that attract people's attention. Modern packaging design can get more attention and recognition from the world if it has national characteristics.

Nationalized packaging design mainly reflects the aesthetic
As a dual carrier of awareness culture and economic activities, nationalized packaging is not only a competitive means for obtaining economic benefits, but also a manifestation of the value of corporate goods packaging culture.

The aesthetic sense of the form of nationalized packaging design is a comprehensive embodiment of the combination of antique and folk natural material forms, materials, graphics, and texts. It is more affluent and strives to create as many commodity and promotional forces as vivid images. It has direct and indirect functions of displaying the cultural value of goods, that is, modern products, consumption, marketing competition, and cultural image are the background of the times. Through the soft effects of “cultural image”, people are emotionally sympathetic and thus further satisfy people’s psychological and Physiological aesthetic needs.

In folk art, the specific combination of certain imagery, the meaning of expression, and the practical occasions are inherited from generation to generation, and have survived for thousands of years. See pine and cypress, cranes, think of happiness, longevity; see the fish think of more than a year; see the rice cake, Lantern Festival, rice dumplings, moon cake think of traditional festivals. The use of these traditional and customary national images on packaging will enable them to break away from their original superstition and expand their beautiful and peaceful ideological connotations so that they can engage in emotional exchanges with contemporary Chinese consumers.

Image features and characteristics

For the nationalized packaging design, it is characterized by the typical sexual behavior that people generally recognize in a certain thing; the characteristic is the differences in individuality and local expression. The image features focus on the morphological expression of the basic image of the package product; the image feature creates an image with certain personality in the typicality of the grasping feature. In the performance, it is not only the processing of the local image such as graphics, color, and text, but also the attention to the overall effect. For example, in Xifeng wine packaging produced in Shaanxi, in the case of brewing and formulating of wine tends to be regular, in the packaging improvement design, the characteristics of folk earthenware are used for modeling, and the ancient holy warrior's turban ribbon is selected as the packaging seal decoration. This is National packaging information features reproduction. Select Shaanxi-style phoenix pattern on the graphic application, which shows the characteristics of Shaanxi local products. The whole package is quaint, heavy and simple, elegant and friendly, reflecting the cultural and local features of national culture.

To adapt to local conditions

Nationalized packaging design should not only pay attention to product and market adaptability, but also pay attention to the adaptability of specific ethnic customs in certain regions. In the Han and ethnic minority areas in the east, south, west, and north of China, the urban and rural areas are vast and often have different aesthetic habits. If Shaanxi's paper-cut pattern is used on Tide detergent powder, Guizhou Blue Calico cloth is made into DAM floppy disk packing box, and Henan wheat straw is used to wrap jewellery, etc., giving us a feeling that not only is the packaging design in the wrong form, but also there is no material selection and borrowing. Reasonable question. In addition, many products have strong local characteristics. For example, a tea packaged in bamboo shoots in Fujian, a tea tube made of anti-spring in Zhejiang, coconut sugar in Guangdong, Wuxi gluten, and Shaoxing Huadiao jars, etc., which are reasonable, cleverly produced, and unique in shape, are ethnic groups. The elements that should be promoted and tapped in packaging design.

Diverse performance methods

In the nationalized packaging design, there are three typical modes of metaphor, symbol, and association with the help of expression. These are more implicit forms of indirect expression. With the help of one kind of image performance and another kind of thing, with the help of some kind of consensus or understanding of the audience to complete the performance, its main emphasis is on visualization, popularization and vividness. For example, compared with objects, ceramic pots than glass bottles; in the form of shape, square and hexagonal small changes. The symbolization emphasizes the normative nature of the idea and some kind of consensus among the masses. The dragon and the phoenix symbolize the Yanhuang culture; the red, yellow, green, and gold symbolize the joyful color of Geely. Lenovo, on the other hand, uses certain image expressions to inspire and induce the viewer's thinking to concentrate in a certain direction. Such as the image of porcelain pot from the kimchi; from the "Tong Ren Tang" brand name and think of Chinese medicine bag packaging; moon from the moon associated with the moon cake box. In the process, the ideal performance effect can be achieved by paying attention to the appropriateness of the metaphor, the typicality of the symbol, and the induction of the association.

Set off is a supplementary treatment of the performance of nationalized packaging products. Such as the use of traditional patterns for the background, using folk graphics for the main image. Again, if the shape has been set, the graph will be dominated, the text will be negative, or the text will be dominant and the graph will be negative. Contrast is an extremely effective catalyst in visual performance, and it is a representation method that fully reinforces the image of commodity packaging. Applying weight and light, bright and dark, static and dynamic in color, emphasizing red and green, and strengthening the contrast between black and red, yellow, pink green, gold and silver and white, and achieving changes in space and color measurement in contrast.

Strange victory from "rules"

In order to achieve victory in nationalized packaging, they are mainly impressed with unique novelty effects. They are expressed in the two major characteristics of material selection, modeling, and graphic pattern. As long as it is the shape of the nation, as long as other people have not yet used, in packaging The innovative use of design is a new expression strategy. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, some of the patterns, such as yangko dance, the alliance of workers and peasants, the siblings’ land reclamation, the most lovable people, land repatriation, cooperation, giant dragon leap forward, three-sided red flags, plum blossoms, happy snow, learning Lei Feng, old three articles, flying back And so on, although the vast majority of these shapes have not yet been noticed and applied by designers. However, we believe that people will be concerned about in the near future.

Commodity packaging, whether it is good or bad, will appear in the market in some form. As long as there is a slight comparison, different packages will have different image characteristics in addition to conveying different information. Pursuit of desire or natural expression, distinctive style can only be produced in an orderly overall design. Arbitrarily stacked, arbitrary patchwork, the kind of trivial form, will only cause style confusion. As far as nationalized packaging works are concerned, innovation alone is often not based on the random accumulation of various unique factors. On the contrary, it is very important to find out the design elements that best represent the goods among various factors and appropriately weaken other minor elements. As the saying goes, to convince people with reason, to move with affection, national packaging should not only be reflected in the cultural image of packaging, but also reflected in the designer's design performance. After thinking rationally about products and markets, there is a scientific and rational side, but also an image of aesthetic personality.

The difficulty in designing art lies in the fact that there are both rules and regulations, both in terms of certain regularities and ever-changing trends. In the national packaging design, we must not only learn the “rules” of excellent works, but also not superstitious rules, be good at breaking through the product itself and the market, and looking for ideas from the new ideas of design materials to be able to do it. In recent years, many commodity packaging materials have been tapped from the perspective of ethnic culture, which has not only promoted cultural value for products, but also opened up sales for manufacturers' products.

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