Photoshop & CorelDRAW Business Practice: Candy Packaging Design (2)

13.2 Operation process 13.2.1 Setting the standard size of the package (1) Start Photoshop CS software.
(2) Press Ctrl+N, in the pop-up [New] dialog box, set the width to be 16cm, the height to 24.5cm, the resolution to 300 pixels/inch, the color mode to CMYK color, the background color to white, as shown As shown in 13-4, create a new file.

Figure 13-4 Create a new file (3) Press Ctrl+Shift+S [Storage] key to store the file as the “Bounce bean front” PSD format.
(4) According to the size of the front of the package, first set the edge line of the bag in the current file of Photoshop CS, and set the foreground color in the toolbox to gray " C : 0 , M : 0 , Y : 0 , K : 25 ” Press Alt+delet to fill the current file. Then press the shortcut key Ctrl+R to display the ruler, and then drag the mouse on the ruler to create a guideline, as shown in Figure 13-5.

Fig. 13-5 Drawing the packaging auxiliary line Generally, the left and right edges of the bag shall be sealed by 0.5cm, 4cm on the top and 2cm on the bottom, and the auxiliary line shall be drawn according to these parameters.

13.2.2 Making Package Front Plane

The packaging is bilaterally sealed, so the back side should be made separately and independently. Because the transparent window is open on the front side, the front side is printed with a normal film. This should be taken into account when designing.
1 . Make the shading of the package (1) Press Ctrl+Shift+N, create a new layer "Layer 1", and set the foreground color to green "C: 73, M: 0, Y: 100, K: 0". Then select [Tools] in the toolbox and bring up the [Gradient Editor]. Select the type of the gradient to be transparent. Pull two gradients above and below the file, and the middle blank is transparent, as shown in Figure 13-6 and Figure 13-7.

Figure 13-6 Setting the foreground color

Figure 13-7 Applying a gradient

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