Color and color management terms

Achromatic color

The color with zero chroma, that is, the gray levels between black, white, and black and white.

Black body

Also known as a complete radiator, it is neither reflective nor transmissive, but an object that can completely absorb the radiation that falls on it, under the action of radiation completely obeys the imaginary object of Planck's radiation law.

3. Blackbody radiator Also known as the Plankian radiator. The spectral energy distribution of black body radiation changes with temperature; as the temperature increases, the peak wavelength changes with the colors of red, orange, yellow, green, and blue.

Brightness brightness

The difference between shades of color.

5. Calibration calibration

Ensure that all color production devices (scanners, monitors, printers) are in compliance with the manufacturer's, user's, or industry's specifications at the time of construction or standard conditions.

6. Characterization Description

The process of outputting the system is determined in response to a known input, and the characterization provides a method for obtaining the device's full color gamut and replication characteristics.

7. Color adaptation chromatic adaptation

The human eye changes its visual sensing ability with the ambient color and brightness.

8. Chromaticity diagram

The chromaticity coordinates are represented on the plane.

9. Chromaticity

A measure that describes the visual sense of the color of the eye.

10. Chroma chroma

The abbreviation C is the difference between bright colors.

11. Colorimeter colorimeter

A three-color measuring device that serves to reflect or transmit light from the surface of an object, similar to a human eye, converts reflected or transmitted light into a mathematical mode. The colorimeter is used to calibrate the characteristics of the display and describe the characteristics of the press.

12. Color temperature

Indicates the spectral characteristics of the light source. When the spectral distribution of a light source is the same as the blackbody radiation, the absolute temperature corresponding to the black body radiation is called the color temperature of the light source.

13. Colorimetric values

Three values ​​of tristimulus values ​​representing the characteristics of the color stimulus.

14. Complementary color

In the additive method, when two kinds of color light are mixed in equal amounts to generate white light, or when the subtractive color method uses two colors in equal amounts to generate black color, the two colors can be called complementary colors.

15. Color spectrum meter

A color measurement system that measures the spectral distribution of objects in the visible light range and their chromaticity.

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